Dog Saves the Day: Eve and Norman Fertig, who are 81, experienced both a tragedy and a miracle on the night of October 12, 2006. They were out treating injured birds in the wildlife sanctuary located on their estate when an unexpected storm hit. The harsh weather quickly intensified, and they were soon trapped by falling trees and heavy layers of snow. The two elderly adventurers realized that, though they were close to their home, they were not strong enough to push through the snow to their own back door.

Thankfully, Shana, their seven-year-old German Shephard-mix was there to save the day.

Shana began scraping under the fallen snow and trees, eventually digging a 20 foot tunnel to the couple’s home. She then came back to her owners and tugged on Eve’s jacket. The pair was too cold and exhausted to move, so the 160 pound dog literally pulled Eve onto her back and carried her back to the home as Norman followed behind. When they arrived at their back deck, they stumbled through the door, shocked and relieved that they had made it back safely.


All materials on this page by Julia Steiman