seasons seasons


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Our Seasons Paint and Makes are creative activities for kids. Learn about the
4 seasons - spring, winter, summer & fall, while painting scenes and placing
seasonal objects in the scene - like flowers, trees, bushes, plants, rainclouds, rainbows, puddles, mud, animals like birds, deer, rabbits, ducks, worms, butterflies, and baby animals! Kids can play this over and over and create
so many different spring and nature scenes.



We have 5 spring activities - Blooming flowers,
baby animals, rain showers, spring and garden!

"Bloomin flowers" Paint and make a scene with flowers that will grow and bloom!
"Baby Animals" also helps kids understand that spring brings baby animals!
"Rain Showers" shows that rain is part of spring - you can still have lots of fun exploring
nature in the rain with raincoats (and boots & umbrellas), and the rain helps all the new spring growth!
"Spring" shows some animals in the spring and what they might be doing, new flowers and nature!
"Garden" has the most painting to dofor a colorful flowergarden and the insects that might visit them!

We have always tried to include diversity in our activities - including all kinds of kids!

This paint and make contains spring, flowers, blooms, baby animals, rain, rainbows, clouds, and gardens This activity is coloring for kids/ painting for kids.
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